Advantages of a single product shop
Focus your attention and efforts on just one product. Let's say your shop development plan has 10 items that need to be monitored and improved every day. They relate to each product. If you have 10 different products on your site, that means you have 100 actions to perform each day. The more products you have, the more work you have to do. A shop with one product is easier to optimise and develop.
It takes very little time to create a professional website. This is not the case with niche and general stores, where you need to develop a separate page for each product.
Concentration of advertising budget. A big plus is that the advertising budget is distributed within a product. For example, you plan to spend $100 per day on advertising. If you have a niche shop and you want to test 10 different products, then the advertising budget needs to be spread across all the products. If there is only one product, you have many more opportunities to test creative with the same budget.
Branding of products, website, content, advertising campaigns. Compared to a niche store and a general store with many products, you will spend less time and money creating branded products and promotions.
High conversion rates. Generally, one-product shops have the highest conversion rates because all the traffic is directed to that one product.